
Would you like to improve your employees’ work ethic and soft skills? This training addresses attitude, attendance, appearance, ambition, accountability, acceptance, and appreciation! It also includes nationally-recognized certification for those with a post-test score of 90% or higher.

Post-training surveys indicate that employees have a more defined sense of purpose in their reason for working after certification. A sense of accomplishment as a reason for working went up over 40%, while being bored as a reason for not working went down 50%. 

This training is offered at all five of Cornerstones’ campuses. If requested, training can also be offered on-site at the employer’s location. 

Contact the Cornerstones office nearest you for more information or to enroll!

For customized classes, availability, and pricing, contact Cornerstones Workforce Development Specialist at 605.3537175 or talk to any of our professional staff.